TMJ Treatment – Jacksonville, FL
Stopping Jaw Pain and Headaches
Most people don’t think of the dentist when they are experiencing persistent headaches or migraines, but there is a strong possibility that your pain may be caused by nocturnal teeth clenching or TMJ disorder. Luckily, we offer migraine treatment as well as TMJ treatment in Jacksonville here at Altenbach Dentistry.
Why Choose Altenbach Dentistry for TMJ Treatment?
- State-of-the-Art NTI-tss Devices
- Friendly, Approachable Dental Team
- Technology-Forward Dental Practice
How Is TMJ Treated?

Dr. Altenbach can fit you with the first FDA-approved migraine preventative device. This dental device is known as the Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System (NTI-tss). The NTI-tss is fitted over the front teeth and prevents contact between your molars and canines. In FDA-reviewed trials, 82 percent of the participants who used NTI-tss, experienced a two-thirds reduction in migraine pain attacks within weeks of use. Best of all, no surgery is necessary!

This device is the most successful and sought-after dental device on the market for use in treating teeth grinding. Contact our office to schedule your next dental checkup, and to find out if we can help you get relief from your migraine or persistent headaches and teeth grinding with the NTI-tss. If you would like to get some additional information about how we have helped people across north Florida with migraine treatment, please give us a call at (904) 448-0441 or send a message through our contact form, and a member of our management team will get back to you soon.